Johnson & Johnson is the worl'd largest, most diversified healthcare
company, operating in 57 countries with worldwide sales of US$61
billion. Most of our brands are world leaders. Excellent opportunities
now exist for young high potentials, career minded professionals to
in Manado)
Travel is required and may account for 40%-50% of the candidate's time
outstation. The candidate should be self-motivated, can work
independently, and must be result oreinted.
The requirements:
- A Bachelor degree (MBA would be an advantage) from a recognized
- A minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0.
- Should possess excellent interpersonal skills, high energy level, and
good communication skills both in Bahasa Indonesia and in English.
- Minimum of 2 years' healthcare industry experience, preferably in
selling medical devices and disposables( for Product Specialist/Sr.
Product Specialist)
- Minimum 3-4 years' healthcare industry experience in supervisory
level (for Territory Sales Manager).
- High potential fresh graduates are encouraged to apply (for
Management Trainee).
Successful candidates will be offered a very competitive salary and
benefit including car facility (Product Specialist/SR. Product
Specialist/Territor y Sales Manager), an attractive incentive scheme,
year-end performance bonus and intensive Orientation and Training
program both domestic and overseas.
If you have all the above requirements, you are encouraged to send your
application including your contacted e-mail address, hand phone number,
recent photograp, CV/resume, copy of University transcript(s) cleary
stating your GPA(s) within 2 weeks from the date of this of this
advertisement to:
DIVISIONWisma Mampang 4th floor,Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 1,
Jakarta Selatan 12790orEmail your resume to: careers@medid.
shortlisted candidates will be notified)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Accounting Staff
Kami adalah Principle dan Distributor Consumer Good untuk produk-produk Personal Care. Produk kami yang saat ini sedang berkembang pasat adalah: Sixsence,For- Him,Victoria, Nuface-facial mask, dll.
Kami membutuhkan tenaga muda untuk mengisi beberapa posisi, yaitu:
Accounting Staff
Bertanggung jawab untuk :
1. Membuat laporan keuangan bulanan
2. Melakukan stock opname dan rekonsiliasi dengan data pembukuan
3. Membuat laporan bulanan
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita, usia min 22 thn
2. Fresh Graduate dengan background S1 Accounting.
3. Jujur, teliti
4. Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan untuk memenuhi dateline
Tax Staff
Bertanggung jawab untuk :
1. Rekonsiliasi laporan keuangan fiskal dan komersial
2. Merekap PPN masukan dan keluaran
3. Pembuatan bukti potong dan SSP
4. Pembuatan SPM bulanan
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita usia min 22 thn
2. Pendidikan minimal S1 Akuntansi/Perpajaka n (min D3)
3. Fresh Graduate atau pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bidang yang
sama / memiliki Brevet A & B di bidang perpajakan
4. Menguasai peraturan perpajakan
5. Menguasai komputer
6. Lokasi penempatan di Daan Mogot
Internal Audit Staff :
Bertanggung jawab untuk :
Bertanggung jawab atas proses audit di internal Perusahaan.
Kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita , berusia max 25 tahun
2. Fresh Graduate jurusan Ekonomi - Akuntansi
3. Mampu berbahasa Inggris, minimal Pasif
4. Mau bekerja keras dan mau terus belajar
5. Memiliki motivasi tinggi
Kirimkan Cv anda ke alamat:
Label: Accounting
Dental Specialist
We are seeking qualified and experienced personnel to challenge career
overseas in Bahrain to fill position as:
1. Dental Specialist for:
1. Pedodontist
2. Prosthodontist
3. General Nurses with Dental experiences
· Bachelor of Dentist (1a and 1b)
· Diploma of Nursing (2)
· Min. 6 years of proven experience in dental specialist, have
active dental license, have certificate of dental specialist for
pedodontist (1a) and prosthodontist (1b). · Min. 3 years of proven
experience in dental and have active nursing license (2)
General Desired profile:
· Min. 27 35 years (1a and 1b)
· Min. 25 30 years (2)
· Proficiency in English
· Other language is highly desirable.
· Good interpersonal skills.
· Candidates with experience in International Hospital/Clinic with
references will be preferred.
· A self starter, energetic, good personality, highly motivated,
inspirational, ability to work independently, and good team work.
· High motivation to work overseas
Please send your application with comprehensive CV, recent photograph
(4x6) 2 pages, copy of identity card, copy of birthday certificate,
senior high school certificate, nursing license certificate (2), dental
specialist for pedodontist certificate (1a), dental specialist for
prosthodontist certificate (1b), references from previous jobs and
academic transcript to: trainingcentre@ milleniummudaman
PT Petrosea Tbk is a multidisciplinary engineering, construction and mining company with a track record of achievement in Indonesia since 1972.
Today, Petrosea is recognised as one of Indonesia's leading engineering and construction contractors. Petrosea has been listed on the Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchanges since 1990 and was the first publicly-listed Indonesian engineering and construction company in Indonesia. Our strategic shareholder and partner, Clough Ltd (ASX:CLO) provides Petrosea with access and support to world-class management and project delivery systems which allows Petrosea to deliver international excellence to the Indonesian market.
We seek to hire several new employees to strengthen our team. We are looking for :
Job Description:
- Mapping the piority stakeholders in areas in which the Company operates,
implement relationship building with the priority stakeholders &
initiate capacity building with the priority stakeholders.
- Developing CSR strategies, initiating & implementing Community
Development programs at Corporate & Project levels.
- Advising the management with key community issues that can significantly
influence company reputation.
- S1 degree of prominent university from Environment Engineering, Economy,
Mass Communication, Psychology, Sociology, or Cultural Science.
- Min. 5 years working experience at the same position / equivalent.
- Proven experience in community development & competency in participatory
- Deep understanding of community initiative subject.
- Shows good people skills, strong communication, presentation &
negotiation skills, maturity, understand how to approach/deal with
communities, local government, NGOs, & other stakeholders
- Demonstrate ability in project development, design, implementation, &
- Demonstrate ability to build cohesive teams & achieve goals through
- A self driven person & result oriented
- Good command in English both verbal & written
Please apply by e-mail only by sending detailed and comprehensive Resume / Curriculum Vitae in Word format only, with recent photograph, current salary/ benefits, complete address, telephone number and private email address, in English as soon as possible. Put the name of the position in the e-mail subject (if not, your e-mail will be rejected by auto filter).
Please apply to:
HR Dept
recruitment. jkt@petrosea. com
PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia
Mercedes-Benz Indonesia consists of three companies: PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia & PT Star Engine Indonesia (engine assembler).
PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia is a 100% foreign investment company, owned by Daimler AG, Stuttgart and Daimler Project Consult, Germany. It is the sole agent, assembler and manufacturer of Mercedes-Benz products for Indonesia.
Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia is a joint ventured company, owned by Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Mercedes-Benz Indonesia and the Indonesian partner. It is the main distributor for Mercedes-Benz in Indonesia and responsible for marketing of Mercedes-Benz products in Indonesia.
Our corporate values are Passion, Respect, Integrity and Discipline to become Excellent.Currently we are urgently looking for a smart and dynamic person for position of:
Manufacturing Cost Specialist
* To assist Inventory Section Manager in inventory, costing, and variance analysis
* Requirements:
* Possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy with min. GPA:3.3
* Computer and Tax literate
* Proficient in English both oral and written, preferable minimum TOEFL Score: 490
* Good communication skills
* Honest, eager to learn, willing to work under pressure.
* Fresh graduates/entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* We offer permanent employment
Send your application no later than May 15, 2008 via e-mail to: mbindonesia@
* Please write: “Application for Manufacturing Cost Specialist” on your e-mail subject.
* Late submittal will be immediately rejected and only short listed candidates will be notified.
Label: Staf
Monday, May 12, 2008
Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pekerja di lingkungan Daerah Operasi Unit
Pengolahan (UP) II � VI, PT.PERTAMINA (PERSERO) membutuhkan 199 orang lulusan Diploma 3/Sederajat untuk dipekerjakan sebagai Operator Kilang dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:
1. Jenis kelamin laki-laki; Status belum menikah bagi pelamar dari
luar Pertamina, atau Belum/Sudah menikah bagi pelamar dari pekerja
*outsourcing * Pertamina.
2. Pendidikan terakhir D3 jurusan:
- Teknik Kimia (TK), Analis Kimia (AK), atau
- Teknik Listrik � Arus Kuat (TLA), Mesin (TM), Instrumen (TI),
(TL), dengan latar belakang SMA jurusan IPA atau SMK jurusan Kimia.
3. IPK minimal 2.75.
4. Usia maksimal 24 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari luar
Pertamina, atau maksimal 32 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari*
*pekerja *outsourcing* Pertamina.
5. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm.
6. Tercatat sebagai pencari kerja di Kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja
(Disnaker) setempat.
7. Bebas narkoba.
8. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta warna, dan diutamakan tidak berkaca
mata/*contact lens.*
9. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT. PERTAMINA
10. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi.
Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengajukan
lamaran dengan melampirkan *dokumen :*
a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
b. *Copy* ijazah D3 & SMA/sederajat yang telah dilegalisir
c. *Copy* transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat
d. *Copy *akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir dari instansi berwenang
e. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian
f. Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba di atas materai Rp.6.000,-
g. *Copy *KTP/SIM yang masih berlaku
h. *Copy* Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning/Hijau) yang masih
i. 3 (tiga) lembar pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 (berwarna)
j. Alamat untuk surat panggilan (alamat terakhir dan kode pos).
*Alamat lamaran* *:*
Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di 5 (lima) wilayah Unit Pengolahan,
UP II�Dumai, UP III�Plaju, UP IV�Cilacap, UP V�Balikpapan, dan UP
VI�Balongan, dan sekitarnya atau di tempat lain yang akan ditentukan
Pelamar agar mengirimkan lamaran ke wilayah Unit Pengolahan terdekat
domisili/daerah asalnya.
Lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui Pos dalam amplop tertutup (pelamar
boleh menyampaikan langsung atau melalui perantara) dan dilalamatkan
*1. **Team Rekrutasi *
*P.O.BOX 1122*
*2. **Tim Rekrutasi*
*PO BOX 1111*
*Palembang 3000*
*3. **Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP IV Cilacap*
*PO BOX 2008*
*Cilacap 53200*
*4. **PO BOX NO. 634, ***
*Balikpapan 76100***
*5. **Kepala Dinas Sosial & Tenaga Kerja Kab.Indramayu *
*PO.BOX.234 *
*Indramayu � Jawa Barat*
Pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran, cantumkan kode jurusan bagi
dari luar Pertamina, atau "OS" bagi pelamar dari pekerja
Lamaran selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal: *31 Mei 2008* (stempel
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk
mengikuti tes/seleksi dan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun (tanpa biaya).
Lamaran yang disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini tidak akan diproses,
surat lamaran yang telah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan.
Informasi lebih lanjut agar menghubungi UP tujuan lamaran atau Disnaker
wilayah setempat.
*Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan seleksi merupakan hak
Rekrutasi dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.*
Label: Staf
PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk
We invite you to be part of The Winning Team of Corporate Real Estate Management
( CREM )
as :
Project Management Head
( code : TSPM07 )
Job description:
To direct comprehensive project management services for the bank�s real
estate portfolio, with focus of project control to ensure that all
real estate projects are carried out in a cost effective manner and
delivered as per agreed schedules and specification.
� Male / Female, age 30-42 years
� Bachelor / Master degree in Architecture / Civil Engineering /
Project Management from recognized university
� 7 - 9 years experience in Project Management area
� Conversant in English, both written and verbal
� Team player with high communication skills
� Advance knowledge of project management / scheduling software
� PMP certification would be an advantageous
You might be the right person we are looking for !
For the preliminary review of your qualifications, please visit our
website and apply online
before May 24, 2008
at : or
and put application code.
At this review stage, NO need to send softcopy at your credentials
Only short listed candidate will be contacted
Label: Bank
Senior Corrosion Engineer
The purpose of Sr. Corrosion Engineer role is to ensure all the COPI production facilities both offshore and onshore will perform perfectly without disruption/down time due to corrosion attacks by setting-up the system management, implementing and coordinating all corrosion prevention, CP monitoring, chemical technology, and
material/metallurgy engineering.
He/She shall provide consultancies to engineering plant operation
and maintenance to assure the corrosion rates of all the production
facilities are within tolerable/design limits.
Qualification & Experience:
The job requires a person with an engineering degree (S1)
preferably in Chemical/Process, Metallurgy, or Mechanical
Engineering with at least ten (10) years experience in corrosion
engineering within the petroleum or petrochemical industry. Offshore
and onshore experiences are required, as well as environmental
(external) and process (internal) corrosion expertise.A strong
knowledge of metallurgy, electrochemistry and chemicals application
are also required. Basic understanding of HSE theory and application
is necessary.
A good understanding of general operations aspects of the oil &
gas industry through field development, engineering, construction,
operations and maintenance will be beneficial.
The role requires good spoken and written English as well as the
ability to work in a multinational environment both offshore and
In addition to strong technical competency, the job requires
leadership, management and communication skills to coordinate cross
discipline personnel and liaise with other divisions including.
Structural Integrity Engineer
Basic Purpose:
The purpose of having Structural Integrity Engineer is to ensure
that the technical integrity of structural and civil facilities such
as platforms, bridges, towers, stacks, columns, buildings, jetties,
roads and air strips are managed properly in accordance with company
and industry standards, codes, and regulations. This will include
the whole process of assessment, design, analysis, modification,
inspection, maintenance, repair and certification of the existing
structural and civil facilities and assuring that relevant
government regulations, codes and standards are complied.
Structural Integrity Engineer is also required as technical
authority in providing consultancies and interfacing with project,
operations and other departments as needed to assure the design,
safety and practical operation of the structural and civil
Qualification & Experience:
The job requires a person with an engineering degree (S1) in
Civil/Structural Engineering and at least seven (7) years experience
in design engineering and inspection/maintena nce of civil and
structural facilities of oil and gas industry both onshore and
offshore. A strong knowledge of the theory and application of API RP
2A, AISC, ANSI, ACI, and other relevant codes, standards and
regulations are required.
Strong analytical thinking, fit-on-purpose/ practical judgment and
risk assessment. Ability to perform quality assurance process,
coordinate working team, work with peers, and communicate with
Experience with offshore safety, LRFD, pushover analysis and
platform RBI methods are highly beneficial. Familiar with technical
standards & best practices for risk assessment. Familiarity with
inspection method will be an advantage.
Experience with using structural analysis software such as SACS,
STRUDL, or equivalent.
In addition to strong technical competency, the job requires
leadership, management and communication skills to coordinate cross
discipline personnel and liaise with other divisions including
infrastructure and new developments.
Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email.
Send your application and CV to:
RSCJakartaRecruitme nt@conocophillip
This posting will be closed on 16 May 2008.
Only very short-listed candidates will be contacted for further
Label: Engineer